Recommended Reading
I hope you enjoyed my
fantasy writing tips.
Here are some books on writing by other authors. You can learn a lot from them! Click on any title below to buy the book.
First let's study the "craft" (sentences, grammar, etc.) of writing.
Arguably the "bible of writers",
The Elements of Style
should definitely be on your shelf. This little book provides invaluable information on how to construct good sentences and paragraphs. This is the 101. If you're just starting out, start here.
Also, please read
On Writing Well
. This is required reading for anyone who wants to write professionally.
If you're still hungry for tips on style, also try
The First Five Pages
, a book on how to stay out of the rejection pile. After all, we don't just want to write great fiction. We want to get published so that we can share our fiction with the world.
Now that we know how to construct perfect sentences and paragraphs, let's explore the artistic side of writing.
First of all, try to get a copy of
Writing to the Point: A Complete Guide to Selling Fiction
. Unfortunately, this book seems to be out of print. But ask around. If you can find one, get it, read it, study it. This is one of my favourite book on plotting and selling short stories.
Science fiction author Orson Scott Card has written a couple good books on writing. Try his
Elements of Writing Fiction - Characters & Viewpoint
How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy
I also recommend
Writing the Blockbuster Novel
. This book was written by a major literary agent, and its highlight is a review of outlines and drafts by bestselling author Ken Follett. You get to see the process some of the world's biggest bestsellers went through.
Writing and Selling Your Novel
offers great information on creating effective characters, plots, scenes, and more.
To learn how to sell your novel, try reading
Your Novel Proposal: From Creation to Contract
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